Shipping Fee
$4.99 for the first item + $3 for each additional item
Delivery Time:
Production Time: 7 – 15 days
Shipping Time: It may take up to 10 – 15 working days from the date it is shipped out to be delivered. Orders containing this product will be shipped separately.
Receiving Time = Production Time + Shipping Time
Shipment Confirmation & Order Tracking
You will receive a Shipment Confirmation email once your order has shipped containing your tracking number(s). The tracking number will be active within 7 days.
Customs, Duties, and Taxes
Fansnflshop is not responsible for any customs and taxes applied to your order. All fees imposed during or after shipping are the responsibility of the customer (tariffs, taxes, etc.).
Refund Policy
If item damaged: If you receive your package and find that some items are lost or damaged in transit, rest assured that you can easily apply for a full refund for those items. Please save all packaging materials and damaged goods before filing a claim.
If package lost: If your package has no tracking updates for over 30 days in transit, you can apply for a free reshipment or refund. If you do end up receiving the package, you can keep it for free without needing to return it.
60-Day undelivered refund: If your package isn’t delivered within 60 days after shipment, you can apply for a free reshipment or a full refund. If no action is taken within 65 days, an automatic refund will be issued. If it arrives later, you can keep it for free without needing to return it